Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Maya reproduction of doomsday predictions

                           Reproduce the mysterious Mayan murals in Guatemala
December 21, 2012, Prior to the legendary apocalyptic time, in the movie "2012" Earth has suffered a devastating blow, recently archaeologists once again proved this point.According to introduction, archaeologists recently found in a monument in Guatemala, a Mayan word, inscribed with Mayan civilization during the calendar confirmed the "end date" December 21, 2012. This finding is again caused a panic, many people began to predict the network when the earth will be what kind of disaster.Found that the Mayan calendar places named La Lorna (La Corona) sites, archaeologists which discovered a stone engraved with the Mayan civilization, introduced piece of stone should be the product of 1,300 years ago is inscribed with a lot of content in part, wrote the king the return of the "end date".David (David Stuart), Texas State University professor, said: "This stone dating back about 1300, when the Maya civilization is in turbulent times, leaders seem to be having some trouble at the time, he made an end forecast, scheduled for December 21, 2012. "However, according to the introduction, the archaeologists believe that this does not mean that 2012 will be the end of the world, perhaps with the demise of their populations, and perhaps only the end of a cycle.Marcello (Marcello), as the excavation work of the experts said: "This may be such as doomsday has nothing to do are more likely to predict the history of the Mayan civilization, often on the stone to make the historical record."Such predictions has caused an uproar, the network, many people began to predict the late date of arrival, was swallowed by the black hole, asteroid impacts, the aliens attack, and so perish method is to come up with.Some people even have begun to make a "doomsday money," a millionaire in the United States to prepare an abandoned missile silo into a mansion, where not only equipped with advanced facilities, more importantly, it can withstand some disasters. Introduce the future after the completion of the missile silos will become a 14-storey building, Hall said he will rent this shelter. That time will be here with all kinds of facilities, including swimming pool, library, cinema, and even medical centers and schools, the building of electricity through wind power to provide, Hall has also been considered the supply of these people, building The hall will have an indoor farms and fish ponds will be planted enough vegetables, sufficient food enough for 70 people eating five years.

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