Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The original substances disappear

Saturn's atmosphere in the human eye is not the opinion colorful world, or showing a clear ribbon stripes, just like its neighbor Jupiter. Saturn between the eastern and western hemispheres, but there is a mysterious ribbon structure, scientists think this is a strong Saturn atmospheric turbulence jet phenomenon across the world of this giant gas planet. Over the years researchers have been trying to explain Saturn's atmosphere strange jet is formed by any reason, its energy comes from where. In June 2012, Icarus the interstellar works of scientists recommended that the mysterious jet energy in the Saturn atmosphere may come from internal

TYC 8241 2652 1 star and the sun is similar, about 450 light-years from Earth in the Centaurus direction around its "warmth" of the original dust disk surrounded by issuing a very bright light, its bright, etc. is equivalent to the sun on the side of the orbit of Mercury. But strange things happened in 2008, scientists in Chile to make observations of powerful ground-based infrared telescope found the star around the unusual changes. 2010, part of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Wide Area Infrared Space Telescope observations of the stellar world, found that: the original dust disk was missing.In the United States Los Angeles, UCLA astronomer Ben Zuckerman (Ben Zuckerman) think this is a strange phenomenon where what unusual event? This finding has led some scientists to suspect that the process of the birth of the Earth, perhaps not born in the original dust disk. Detailed observations on TYC 8 241 2652 1 star, rocky planet formation process does not seem to tiny dust particles, and then gradually increase. In the process of the birth of the rocky planets, the orbit will exist many uncertain factors, such as various "bumps" swing.-Before appeared in TYC 8 241 2652 1 around a star of the dust grains are likely to come from the two due to the collision of rocky planets and die, but astronomers have found no evidence of the existence of planets around the star, so no one knows this what happened in the mysterious cloud of dust events. In this regard, one of which explained the theory that the disappearance of the dust disk from the track on the gas friction, slowing the orbital velocity of the dust particles and eventually fall in stellar gravity. Another explanation that the constant collision of dust particles around the orbit, the size is getting smaller and smaller, eventually unable to maintain their orbital position to be introduced in the system.This piece of dust clouds, all this seems too fast. According to the European Southern Observatory in Chile, astronomers Margaret (Margaret Moerchen) Description: "In less than two years time, the events happening around the star at an incredible rate, beyond our current understanding of and influencing the prediction of the evolution of the stars of the world around. "Astronomers plan to continue the stellar observations, to discover whether there are new disk of dust formation.UCLA astronomer Ben Zuckerman TYC 8241 2652 1 around a star will form a new planet in the past few decades, scientists have observed the star continue to learn from the original material, in the future should will return to normal, but now a little bit of failure. Best possible future observations, we found another one in the original formation of the state of the planet in its orbit, first discovered the location of the dust particles, there may be a new dust disk material country of origin.According to the introduction in the United States San Diego University of California, San Diego, astronomer Carl Melis (Carl Melis): "At this time we can do is continue to TYC 8241 2652 1 star to observe, to see there in the end what will happen to events . "If the follow-up observations found unusual changes will be beneficial to attempt to explain the mysterious events happening around the star, even in a relatively long period of time TYC 8241 2652 1 around a star is not some kind of change. from which we will find some information.

Over the Antarctic was discovered the spiral structure

This true color image taken by NASA's Cassini probe, on June 27 this year, Cassini flew over Titan near the photographs displayed on over Titan's south polar regionvortex structure
Titan over the Antarctic upper vortex structure is formed on a false color image of NASA's Cassini probe shooting
Titan over the Antarctic upper vortex structure is formed on a false color image of NASA's Cassini probe shootingAccording to the U.S. Space Network reported that NASA is Saturn orbit, Cassini spacecraft of Saturn's largest satellite Titan over the Antarctic was observed atmospheric vortex structure, which may indicate that the southern hemisphere of the satellite is being ushered in the winter . June 27, when its close flyby of Titan, the camera equipment on board the Cassini shot under the spiral structure. The observations show that the structure of the vortex rotation period of about 9 hours, Titan's rotation period is about 16 days., Cassini project scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Research, Tony Dell - Jianei Luo (Tony Del Genio) said: "this whirlpool within the structure is very similar over the ocean on Earth the common open type cellular convection structure, but the situation here and the Earth, on Earth, such a spiral structure usually occurs in the near-surface, Titan, the vortex structure where the height is very high. This may be a Titan the response of the stratosphere on seasonal changes, which may indicate that Titan's southern hemisphere winter is approaching. but so far we can not determine this. "When Cassini arrived in the Saturn system in 2004, when it was discovered Titan - this diameter of Saturn's largest satellite of 5150 km above the Arctic exists a suspected the vortex structure. Then Titan northern hemisphere winter, this winter has been extended to August 2009, when Saturn mark the vernal equinox, this moment marks the Saturn hemisphere spring and the beginning of the southern hemisphere autumn, a time of many of Saturn's moons season .Despite the Titan's Arctic suspected spiral structure still exists, however, its upper atmosphere is warmer Arctic toward is constantly cooling Antarctic mobile. This process will result in Titan's south polar region over the air flow goes down, at the same time also the formation of haze at high altitudes and the spiral structure.Cassini's cameras originally in March began to notice the Titan over the Antarctic vortex, followed by spacecraft equipped with visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) were taken in May 22 and June 7 false color image of the spiral structure. The Christopher Suoting (Christophe Sotin) Cassini VIMS equipment group of scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), he said: "VIMS observed in Titan over the Antarctic about 200 miles (321 km) at a large number of air-suspended material gathered. Prior to this we have never observed in this highly gas suspended solids, so we know that this is a new phenomenon. "Cassini project scientists will continue to be closely monitored by Titan's south polar region, observed here for the next stage of development, these information will help people understand the complex satellite-based methane in the climate system. Bob West (Bob West), deputy head of the Cassini Imaging Science Group, from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he said: "The future continuous observation of this phenomenon will examine Titan atmospheric circulation, chemical characteristics of clouds and atmospheric suspended solids model is correct to provide a good validation opportunities in the solar system, the atmosphere of the polar regions over the whirlpool is not a rare phenomenon. We observed a similar phenomenon before, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Earth and Venus have.

Scientists have discovered a huge invisible dark matter in galaxy clusters

Scientists have discovered a huge invisible dark matter in galaxy clustersA July 2012 study found that the galaxy cluster Abel 222 Abel 223, two clusters of galaxies are connected through the dark matter filaments, as shown in Figure. The blue shadows and yellow outline shows the density of dark matter. The object in the sky about twice as large as the full moon. Recently, scientists have found a huge bunch of invisible dark matter in clusters of galaxies of the universe. These filaments formed two huge clusters of galaxies together 2.7 billion light-yearsAbel 222 Abel 223, between the bridges. The universe is considered to have been full of dark matter filaments, the mysterious substance which is a can not be directly observed, its presence is sensed only through its gravitational pull.-Before scientists in order to find the existence of dark matter filaments of various attempts, the theory predicts that clusters of galaxies formed in the intersection area of ​​the dark matter filaments. 98% of the substance of the whole universe is dark matter."This is the first time (dark matter filaments), through its gravitational focusing effect is conclusive detected, University of Munich, Germany, Observatory astronomers Jagger Dietrich, says," This is a remarkable finding, it confirmed by the standard theory of cosmic structure formation. It also confirmed previously thought impossible theory.Many astronomers believe that the need to wait until the telescope become more sophisticated to detect the presence of dark matter filaments, however, be inspired by Dietrich and colleagues never rare clusters of galaxies space geometry, detected the so-called weak gravitational focusing effect.According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, the huge celestial bodies will make the space-time is distorted around the side of it lead to any object through it, including light, along the curved path before the line. When the light from background objects, such as a galaxy, near a huge cluster of galaxies in the way to the Earth through the pictures will show the light was bent like because it is along the twisted path."The standard theory is that the filaments of the gravity-focusing effect is too weak so that current telescopes can not detect."Dietrich said, "When we found that the galaxy cluster system has such a special geometry, we realize that in fact still have a chance to detect this weak effect."Abel 222 Abel 223 in the sky background looks away from very close, in fact, very far away from the Earth observation field of vision between the two in fact. This means that the vast majority of binary systems group system quality is compressed into a small area in the sky, the light reaching the Earth from behind it issued are required to pass through the cluster of galaxies, which makes the weak gravitational focusing effect can be detected.Astronomers using data collected in observations by the Japanese Subaru telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. These data are the observations of 2011, has been archiving has not been used. "Dietrich said," We then realized that these data can be adopted. "Although the gravitational focusing effect because it was too weak to be naked-eye observation to the research team by the light from more than 40,000 background galaxies statistical analysis to determine the objects are not observed between these two clusters of galaxies distorts time and space. This study is to establish a study in 2008, Dietrich, who found the heat in the filament region, suggesting that dark matter or existence. However, the study did not directly detected dark matter is any indication.Research scholars will continue to exist in other galaxy clusters near the search for dark matter filaments, has yet to find any clusters of galaxies can produce a strong gravitational focusing effect that can be directly observed from the Earth

Maya reproduction of doomsday predictions

                           Reproduce the mysterious Mayan murals in Guatemala
December 21, 2012, Prior to the legendary apocalyptic time, in the movie "2012" Earth has suffered a devastating blow, recently archaeologists once again proved this point.According to introduction, archaeologists recently found in a monument in Guatemala, a Mayan word, inscribed with Mayan civilization during the calendar confirmed the "end date" December 21, 2012. This finding is again caused a panic, many people began to predict the network when the earth will be what kind of disaster.Found that the Mayan calendar places named La Lorna (La Corona) sites, archaeologists which discovered a stone engraved with the Mayan civilization, introduced piece of stone should be the product of 1,300 years ago is inscribed with a lot of content in part, wrote the king the return of the "end date".David (David Stuart), Texas State University professor, said: "This stone dating back about 1300, when the Maya civilization is in turbulent times, leaders seem to be having some trouble at the time, he made an end forecast, scheduled for December 21, 2012. "However, according to the introduction, the archaeologists believe that this does not mean that 2012 will be the end of the world, perhaps with the demise of their populations, and perhaps only the end of a cycle.Marcello (Marcello), as the excavation work of the experts said: "This may be such as doomsday has nothing to do are more likely to predict the history of the Mayan civilization, often on the stone to make the historical record."Such predictions has caused an uproar, the network, many people began to predict the late date of arrival, was swallowed by the black hole, asteroid impacts, the aliens attack, and so perish method is to come up with.Some people even have begun to make a "doomsday money," a millionaire in the United States to prepare an abandoned missile silo into a mansion, where not only equipped with advanced facilities, more importantly, it can withstand some disasters. Introduce the future after the completion of the missile silos will become a 14-storey building, Hall said he will rent this shelter. That time will be here with all kinds of facilities, including swimming pool, library, cinema, and even medical centers and schools, the building of electricity through wind power to provide, Hall has also been considered the supply of these people, building The hall will have an indoor farms and fish ponds will be planted enough vegetables, sufficient food enough for 70 people eating five years.


The British Government recently declassified documents, records of UFO sightings, UFO events reported in the past 30 years. Among them, a 1999 police report that appeared on a yellow UFO; FA Cup quarter-finals in West Wales found a UFO landing and alien wearing a silver spacesuit out ; and shortly before the UFO experts believe that during the Olympic Games in London is a high incidence of UFO sightings.
Former British Prime Minister Tony? Blair (Tony Blair) had received one from the UK Ministry of Defence UFO reports, worried that the information has been leaked on extraterrestrial life forms. However, with the promulgation of the Freedom of Information Act, British citizens are right to ask to get information on the unsolved mystery of the alien UFO. Therefore, in Blair, this could cover up the UFO incidents were reported in the British history of public concern, the open of the report and other useful information. Tony? Blair has been the UK Ministry of Defence staff to inform the restrictive reading of the record on the UFO file can only access detailed information on the recently released declassified documents.The documented UFO contact incident report by the British Government in the past 30 years time, a total of more than 6700 pages. A series of UFO sightings in the FA Cup Chelsea and Manchester United game, local police found a group of mysterious light in the sky. Meanwhile, in a declassified document mentioned that over the Stamford Bridge in March 1993, a UFO passing low-level and hover over the event, which lasted nearly 15 seconds, the UFO was also transformed shape glows bright light.-There is another series of sightings of the UK Ministry of Defence UFO archive, known as "credible eyewitness reports, these have been classified as top secret Defense Department documents in 2009 by the British National Archives decryption. Shown in the image of Manchester United's Andy? Cole (Andy Cole) and Chelsea's Frank? Leboeuf (Frank Leboeuf) during intense scraping, it seems that they do not have time to take into account the unidentified flying in the sky matter. Confidential documents in a 1995 Department of Defense, mentioned that extraterrestrial intelligent beings may exist, although no direct evidence that they have arrived on Earth.In addition, the report also speculated that the SETI Why should visit the earth, the possibility of where the investigation of the military forces of mankind, scientific research or just to see the scenery on Earth. Stamford Bridge over the UFO contact incident, local police claimed that I had not seen such objects, Manchester United, Manchester, England FA Cup final to a two-goal advantage defeated Chelsea. According to a UFO expert Nick? Pope (Nick Pope) Description: "has so many sightings records, relevant departments of the British Government is concerned about the UFO for example, had previously been unknown flight of an almond shape of a square things flashing four yellow light hovering in his riding immediately side. "UFO contact incident occurred in West Wales, the eyewitness reports of a flying saucer type of aircraft landing in the field, even more surprisingly, the humanoid from UFO out of the two dressed in silver space suits, wearing protective masks, and measurement. Nick? Pope as a top British UFO experts, he worked in the British Ministry of Defense for nearly two decades, responsible for investigating the UFO appeared over the United Kingdom between 1991-1994, he believes he began to investigate UFO or a skeptic, in view of the many UFO contact incident, making it have a more profound understanding of the importance of the British national security and aviation security issues.

Mysterious blue light

At midnight, the photographer witnessed this the bioluminescence strange landscape came to this beach Skinner took these amazing photos with the camera.
Due to the natural phenomenon known as algal blooms, a wonderful Blu-ray illuminated part of the ocean.
Wave collision, it will make the algae to the issue of a call to the blue flash of bioluminescence, while allowing millions of organisms susceptible to interference.
Skinner, aged 43, from Carlsbad, California, USA. He said: "This is a very popular no matter what, as long as it appeared, people will look at."At midnight, the world was plunged into darkness, a famous surfing beach waves each collision to create a strange blue flash. A photographer ready to shoot such a strange phenomenon with a camera and just photographed this extraordinary moment.Steve - Skinner came to Swami Beach, the main purpose is to enjoy the spectacle caused by this water algae. Wave collision, it will make the algae issue called bioluminescence blue flash, while allowing millions of organisms susceptible to interference. This huge algal blooms appearance is extraordinary, in fact, is very harmful, because it makes the oxygen content in water decreased, constitute a threat to the survival of the fish. At the same time, also known as red tide water color can water into the terrible red-brown. The wave of Swami Beach is part of the Pacific. Blue glow will illuminate the week and then gradually disappear.Skinner, aged 43, from Carlsbad, California, USA. He said: "This is a very popular no matter what, as long as it appeared, people will look at, I had long been planned to the beach, in particular, want to make some blue glow photo, I spent about 1 hour shooting this red tide is very obvious from any local beach you can see this phenomenon. "Business web site development business, Skinner said: "I am delighted to shoot these photos. Beach terminology, body thoroughly cool. I have seen this phenomenon before, but we have never seen such a brightness the last time, This blue glow is more a dark green, then it is absolutely fascinating. I live near this coast, this beach has always insisted on shooting these photos is by far my shot pictures of the most unique and most strange. "Chemical phenomena marine issue a blue glow in the night:Oxygen to the microorganisms in water disturbed, there will be a blue glow, called "bioluminescence". This phenomenon is very rare on the coast, but very common in the marine vessel to stir the oxygen in the water. Vessels passing through the change of the oxygen in the water so that the bioluminescence bacteria play a light-emitting. Many underwater organisms will "shine", especially in light of those living on the water is unlikely to exposure to biological ocean depths. This night glow is the fallout from the bloom of red algae. This natural phenomenon known as red tide can whole Beach into a bright red, to enter during the day will be dark.

Red Wizard

When Storm Lightning weather on Earth from space overlooking find? The International Space Station astronauts, with his equipment snapped the photo of a "sprite" (Red Sprite)."Red Wizard" appears often not more than 10 milliseconds, the altitude of 80 km from the ground, the astronauts snapped this mysterious phenomenon. "Red Wizard" is usually accompanied by lightning, is a current release, it releases tremendous energy can be extended to 88.5 km. Can not be with the naked eye from the ground directly observed the scene, before the invention of the aircraft until the 20th century, it is not to be familiar with.It is reported that some scientists have suggested that the "sprite" phenomenon, in order to find on other planets for human habitation planet.